Tenuated potential of fibroblasts to help the formation of vessel-like endothelial structures. Summary/Conclusion: Exosome-induced differentiation of fibroblasts to a pro-angiogenic phenotype is dependent on specific HSPGs present around the exosome surface. HSPGs are required for exosome activation of SMADdependent TGF- signalling. Exosomal-HSPGs may perhaps thus represent novel targets for attenuation of fibroblast-assisted tumour growth. Funding: This function was funded by Prostate Cancer UK – Profession Development Fellowship (held by Dr J Webber)OF13.CD44 is often a novel homing receptor for extracellular vesicles Kai H k en1; Silja Pyysalo1; Sini Hakkola1; Kirsi Ketola1; Carla Oliveira2; Sanna Oikari1; Kirsi Rilla1Institute of Biomedicine, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland; i3S – Instituto de Investiga o e Inova o em Sa e, Universidade do Porto, Porto, PortugalBackground: The COX-1 Inhibitor Synonyms surface molecular composition of extracellular vesicles (EV) is definitely the most important feature regulating EV adhesion and receptorligand interactions together with the target cells. The multifunctional adhesion molecule and principal hyaluronan (HA) ligand CD44 is one particular of those surface receptors binding also to other extracellular matrix elements including collagen, fibronectin, and laminin. HA-CD44 interactions mediate the recruitment of activated leucocytes stem cells and tumour cells from the circulation which makes CD44 called a “homing receptor”. The bonds involving HA and CD44 are remarkably sturdy, which supplies resistance to shear through adhesion of lymphocytes on endothelial cells. Techniques: Here, we hypothesized that these D4 Receptor Agonist Compound identical mechanisms of HACD44 interactions regulate the homing of EV to reprogram other cells and to prepare a favourable niche for metastasis of cancer cells. To answer this hypothesis, we utilized a CD44-negative human gastric cancer line MKN74 stably expressing CD44 standard type and compared them to cells expressing empty vector pIRES-EGFP2 (MOCK). Very first, we confirmed the CD44 expression of those cell lines by CDFriday, 04 Mayimmunostainings, western blotting, ELISA and QPCR. Subsequent, the secretion and size distribution of EV secreted by each cell lines was analysed by NTA evaluation, and the possible of EV binding to target cells was studied by superresolution microscopy. Outcomes: The results indicated that the MOCK cells have low HA binding capacity in comparison with the CD44 overexpressing cells. Moreover, the NTA results showed no variations in EV secretion of CD44-negative and overexpressing cells. These final results suggest that CD44 regulates EV interactions with their target cells.Summary/Conclusion: Additional research will show the extra detailed mechanisms of these interactions. Moreover, CD44 and HA are prospective multipurpose EV biomarkers, because they are upregulated in inflammatory, injured and cancer cells and accumulate on the surface of EV secreted in these conditions. Funding: This study is funded by Academy of Finland.ISEV 2018 abstract bookSymposium Session 14 – Tissue Injury and Repair Chairs: Bernd Giebel; Mariko Ikuo Location: Area 5 13:45 – 15:OF14.Human neural stem cell extracellular vesicles increase recovery in a porcine model of ischemic stroke Robin Webb1; Erin E. Kaiser2; Brian J. Jurgielewicz2; Samantha Spellicy2; Shelley Scoville1; Tyler Thompson1; Raymond L. Swetenburg1; Franklin West2; Steven SticeArunA Biomedical, Athens, GA, USA; 2Regenerative Bioscience Center, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USABackground: Current operate fr.