Ure corrected by Barsi model (Tsbarsi ), single-channel model (TsSC ), radiative transfer equation model (TsRTE ) and GNE-371 DNA/RNA Synthesis Split-window model (TsSW ). Values with indicate p-value 0.05, p-value 0.01 and p-value 0.001. Table S3. Average (five confidence interval) on the measured sensible heat flux (H; W m-2 ), along with the typical (five confidence interval), mean absolute error (MAE), imply absolute % error (MAPE), root imply square error (RMSE), Willmott coefficient (d) and Pearson correlation coefficient (r) from the estimated sensible heat flux in BPE and FMI using traditional (acon ), parameterized (asup ) surface albedo model combined with brightness temperature (Tb ) and surface temperature corrected by Barsi model (Tsbarsi ), single-channel model (TsSC ), radiative transfer equation model (TsRTE ) andSensors 2021, 21,20 ofSplit-window model (TsSW ). Values with indicate p-value 0.05, p-value 0.01 and p-value 0.001. Table S4. Typical (5 self-confidence interval) of your measured latent heat flux (LE; W m-2 ), plus the typical (5 confidence interval), mean absolute error (MAE), mean absolute percent error (MAPE), root mean square error (RMSE), Willmott coefficient (d) and Pearson correlation coefficient (r) from the estimated latent heat flux in BPE and FMI making use of traditional (acon ), parameterized (asup ) surface albedo model combined with brightness temperature (Tb ) and surface temperature corrected by Barsi model (Tsbarsi ), single-channel model (TsSC ), radiative transfer equation model (TsRTE ) and Split-window model (TsSW ). Values with indicate p-value 0.05, p-value 0.01 and p-value 0.001. Table S5. Average (5 self-confidence interval) from the measured evapotranspiration (ET; mm d-1 ), and also the average (five confidence interval), imply absolute error (MAE), imply absolute percent error (MAPE), root mean square error (RMSE), Willmott coefficient (d) and Pearson correlation coefficient (r) on the estimated evapotranspiration in BPE and FMI making use of conventional (acon ), parameterized (asup ) surface albedo model combined with brightness temperature (Tb ) and surface temperature corrected by Barsi model (Tsbarsi ), single-channel model (TsSC ), radiative transfer equation model (TsRTE ) and Split-window model (TsSW ). Values with indicate p-value 0.05, p-value 0.01 and p-value 0.001. Author Contributions: Conceptualization, L.P.A., N.G.M. and M.S.B.; methodology, L.P.A., N.G.M. and M.S.B.; validation, L.P.A.; information curation, M.S.B., H.M.E.G., G.L.V., A.R. and J.d.S.N.; writing– original draft preparation, L.P.A.; writing–review and editing, L.P.A., N.G.M., M.S.B., H.M.E.G., G.L.V., A.R. and J.d.S.N.; supervision, N.G.M. and M.S.B.; project administration, N.G.M. and M.S.B. All authors have study and agreed towards the published version in the manuscript. Funding: This research was partially funded by the Conselho GS-626510 manufacturer Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient ico e Tecnol ico (CNPq), code #407463/2016-0, #310879/2017-5, and #305761/2018-8; the Funda o de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de Mato Grosso (FAPEMAT), code #561397/2014; the Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (UFMT), Programa de P -Gradua o em F ica Ambiental (PPGFA/IF/UFMT); the Instituto Federal de Mato Grosso (IFMT), the National Science Foundation (NSF) Award Number IIA-1301346; and New Mexico State University. Institutional Overview Board Statement: Not applicable. Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable. Acknowledgments: The authors would prefer to thank the EROS Science Processing Architectur.