Eristics. In cucumber, the GC content material of person genes ranged from 28 to 67.three , with an typical five of 17 value of 44.two and 81.13 genes ranged at 400 with a unimodal distribution pattern which was consisted with studies inside the dicot plant genome. In ten 1H-pyrazole Metabolic Enzyme/Protease species of Cucurbitaceae, the typical GC contents were from 44 (in C. melo) to 46.two (in C. pepo), indicating that they all slightly GC poor. Amongst them, 3 three species of Cucurbita had of additional they have been had been all slightly GC poor. Amongst them, species of Cucurbita had valuesvalues of more than 46 with distribution, and snake snake gourd and were only slightly greater than 46 with similarsimilar distribution, andgourd and chayotechayote were only slightly greater than 45 . The other four species had values of around 44 and also a similar GC conthan 45 . The other 4 species had values of about 44 plus a similar GC content material distribution with with cucumber (Figure 1). tent distribution cucumber (Figure 1).Agronomy 2021, 11,Figure 1. Distribution in the GC contents ofof genes in ten species Cucurbitaceae. Note: X-axis indicates the the percentage Figure 1. Distribution of the GC contents genes in ten species of of Cucurbitaceae. Note: X-axis indicates percentage of GC GC contents, and Y-axis indicates every species. Abbreviations employed for species names (refer to Table 1 for particulars). of contents, and Y-axis indicates each and every species. Abbreviations are are made use of for species names (refer to Table 1 for facts).In cucumber, the GC contents in three codons’ positions (GC1, GC2, and GC3) were In cucumber, the GC contents in 3 codons’ positions (GC1, GC2, and GC3) have been 50 , 40.eight , and 41.5 , respectively. The second position had the lowest GC content, 50 , 40.8 , position had the highest. The second position had the lowest GC content, and as well as the 1st and 41.five , respectively. The other nine species had the same characteristics, the GC1 around 50 and GC2 around 40 . In all codon positions, two species in Cucumis withfirst position had the highest. The other nine species had the same qualities, with GC1 about 50 contents, and 3 species in Cucurbita had the species in Cucumis had had the lowest GCand GC2 around 40 . In all codon positions, twohighest ones. the lowest GC contents, and 3 species in worth represents the capacity for codons for the effective number of codons (ENC) Cucurbita had the highest ones. The helpful quantity of from 20 (which suggests only a single codon is utilized for each encode amino acids, ranging codons (ENC) worth represents the capacity for codons to encode amino acids, ranging from 20 (which indicates only one codonvalue under 35 repreamino acid) to 61 (which indicates every codon is used equally). A is used for every single amino acid) to higher bias means each and every codon above equally). A worth below 35 In cucumber, sents the 61 (which of codon usage andis applied 50 represents the weak bias. represents the high bias of codon usage and above 50 represents the worth of 52.four. Based on the the ENC values ranged from 26 to 61, with an averageweak bias. In cucumber, the ENC values ranged from 26 to 61, had an average value of 52.four. Based on the statistics, statistics, only 22 genes (0.11) withENC values less than 35 with larger bias, while 75.54 only 22 had values far more ENC values weaker bias. Collectively with cucumber, melon also of genesgenes (0.11) hadthan 50 with much less than 35 with larger bias, though 75.54 of genes had values much more genes having a weaker bias, which was the lowest proportion amon.