Urves, the 5-Fluoro-2′-deoxycytidine manufacturer tensile strength, yield strength, Young’s modulus, Poisson’s
Urves, the tensile strength, yield strength, Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio, and material density have been Complement System site assumed to be b = 1005 MPa, s = 975 MPa, E = 107 GPa, = 0.3, and = 4200 kg/m3 , respectively.Metals 2021, 11, 1835 Metals 2021, 11, x FOR PEER Review Metals 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW7 of 23 7 of 23 7 ofFigure two. Blade geometry dimension and reversed modeling. (a) (a) Geometric dimensionblade; (b) Figure 2. Blade geometry dimension and reversed modeling. (a)Geometric dimension of blade; (b) Figure two. Blade geometry dimension and reversed modeling. Geometric dimension of of blade; Blade geometry information acquisition; (c) Point cloud information block of blade; (d) (d) Reference object. (b) Blade geometry data acquisition; (c) Point cloud information block blade; (d)Reference object. Blade geometry data acquisition; (c) Point cloud data block of of blade; Reference object.Figure 3. Tensile test of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy. (a) Equipment of tensile test; (b) The tensile curve Figure Tensile Figure 3. Tensile test of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy. (a) Equipment of tensile test; (b) The tensile curve of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy at room temperature. of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy at area temperature. ofIn order to confirm the modeling accuracy, it was necessary to calculate modal freIn order to confirm the modeling accuracy, it was essential to calculate the the modal As a way to confirm the modeling accuracy, it was necessary to calculate the modal frefrequency examine with the modal test. Initial, the blade 3D model was meshed with First, quency to to compare together with the modal test.Initial, the blade 3D model was meshed using the quency to examine using the modal test. the blade 3D model was meshed with all the 10-node tetrahedron (strong 187) to establish the finite element model, that is acceptable finite 10-node tetrahedron (solid 187) to establish the finite element model, which is proper to describe the thin wall capabilities ofof the twisted blade plus the constraint conditions will be the twisted blade as well as the constraint situations are kept to describe the thin wall functions on the twisted blade plus the constraint conditions are describe the thin wall options with using the assembly in the in the blade hub. The modal analysis analysis was carried kept the actualactual assembly blade and theand the hub. The modal was carried out utilizing kept with the actual assembly from the blade along with the hub. The modal analysis was carried commercial software program software program of Ansys Workbench, within solver kind is direct (Block out working with commercial of Ansys Workbench, inside which thewhich the solver variety is diout employing commercial computer software of Ansys Workbench, inside which the solver kind is diLanczos), Lanczos), the blade FE constrain circumstances situations are shown The modal rect (Blockthe blade FE model and model and constrain are shown as Figure 4.as Figure 4. rect (Block Lanczos), the blade FE model and constrain conditions are shown as Figure four. tests of statically of statically clamped influence have been performed using a single-excitation, The modal tests clamped influence were performed making use of a single-excitation, single-response The modal tests of statically clamped impact were performed working with a single-excitation,Metals 2021, 11, x x FOR PEER Assessment Metals 2021, 11, FOR PEER REVIEWMetals 2021, 11,8 8of 23 of8 ofsingle-response technique (Figure five), that is based on the national normal GB/T 19873.3single-response process (Figure 5), which can be based on the national regular GB/T 19873.32019. The test equ.